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My top 3 tools to process your emotions
Here, I share three embodiment techniques that help you to move your emotions fluidly for more awareness and authenticity in your life.

Why do I sabotage what I really want to do?
I introduce you to a common self-sabotage pattern and explain how it links to critical self-talk and its consequences on our work lives.

F*&C Your Resolutions Day - And What To Do Instead
Why you might struggle to “plan” your career or business path for 2022 and some questions you can ask yourself instead to find your focus.

A surprising reason why you might not take courageous decisions in your work life
Here I share the root causes for our fears and what to focus on instead to anchor yourself and take courageous decisions in your work life.

Lessons learned from being self-employed: why it’s worth it despite the discomforts
Sharing with you some of the discomforts I had to learn to get comfortable with during the last months of my self-employed journey.

How to calm your monkey mind to create the work life you want
How you can get out of your internal hamster wheel right now and regain the clarity you need to create the work life you dream of.

Stop waiting for someone to tell you what to do next in your work life – it’s up to you
Here I show how to stop waiting for certainty in order to make decisions about your work life and guide you to test and feel with courage.

Warning signs that you need to break free from your 9 to 5 hamster wheel
This article goes through the aspects that show it may be time for a change in your work life and how to proceed on a more fulfilling path.

Are you blocking yourself from building a fulfilling work-life?
In this article you will get to know common roadblocks and how to overcome them when you want to create a fulfilling work-life.
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